Saturday, 2 June 2012

Suburban of Secrets: The Lovenest

Sasquatch Numero Tres is numero uno in my heart! Five sweet bitches, 5 beauty days, and one oversized suburban complete with pantry shelves and a walk-in closet.

Some of my favorite moments + highlights, which have already been mentioned by my fellow bloggers and main chica's:

1. The lovenest! 
2. Rolling up to the group meeting spot of 40 of our friends + strangers blasting TLC and parking horizontally across five stalls. We bring the party, obvs.
3. Having five different inputs on the curiously fucked up group of friends we have, regarding the hookups, breakups and secretive lip-locking among them.
4. Dustin's valiant + successful efforts that allowed all of our EIGHT car convoy to camp beside one another! He was a champion.
5. Bedroom oasis in our tent.
6. Annie from Portland and her endless supply of facepaint! She was the cutest.
7. Robyn's heartfelt proposal to me at the back of the suburbs. (I said yes, duh)
9. The endless supply of edibles I was handed on a daily basis.
10. The morning that Nathan showed up to our tent with a small and very effective gift. 
11. Opening the door of our tent and just sitting there, taking whore's baths, and taking in the surroundings while really not participating in the group dynamic for the first hour.
12. Waiting THREE HOURS in a lineup and not giving a flying fuck because it was the best goddamn time ever.
13. The most bizarre ability of sasquatch: the fact that you run into everyone you know from Kelowna despite the 20,000 other people on the enormous grounds.
14. Motor boating Jim to get sparkles. And also the fact that I had 2 sparkles on my eyelids for the next FIVE DAYS. I'm sooo hygienic.
15. Completing our challenge of getting on a strangers shoulders on the first day!
16. Staying up til sunrise on two of the 5 nights!
17. Jackson's 'pinata'.
18. That time that Rob was bleeding from her armpit so we held pressure there while still managing to eat tortilla chips + salsa..
19. That other time that Rob was bleeding, and we wiped it up with beef jerky wrappers. Just call me doctor.
20. That time we got all of our alcohol poured out on the grounds..
21. When I was given an entire container of glowsticks at the Girl Talk concert!
22. Sitting in garbage. Literally.
24. 5L of Sangria in a box. Gotta love Amurricah!
25. The Redbull Tent Yearbook photos. And the Honda Civic dress up photos.
26. S-A-S-Q-U-A-T-H, I'm having a blast with my friends!
27. "Now we are going to get on top the suburban to watch the sunrise, and you are going to propose to me so we can live happily ever after"
28. "I just ate a candy watermelon from a stranger.."
29. "Hey do you know where we can get some molly?" "WHO?!"
30. THE VITAMIN WATER BOUNCY CASTLE. And then being shot at with water guns because there were too many people on it.
31. Tanner trying to metamorph into Tannerfly.
32. Trevor's wig(s). Or that time that he wore 8 articles of clothing on his torso for who knows how long.
33. Jessica being recognized as from Kelowna by several different people. She's a magnet.
34. Our little pitstop in Ephrata to get our friend out of jail. Casual. 
35. Seeing my new roommates every day, randomly.
36. Getting to wear whatever I want and having it be acceptable to not wash my face. Or shower at all for that matter. 
37. Getting Jessi to brush my hair because I actually don't know how.

Having to live in reality for 5 days was the best thing of my life thus far. If this is any indication as to what the Girl Army ( I'm serious about labelling ourselves the Lushies..) Summer of 2012 will be like.. Kelowna is in for a reallll treat.

See you all on the flipside! And by flipside I mean in my new blue duplex, bitches.

I love each and every one of you who reads this and understands these.

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