So the snow will fall and this city will become faded and unsaturated. The only place you'll find enough sunshine is the mountains. What will you do with your dark evenings and grey days? My winter wishlist is as follows:
-laugh when every single person on facebook updates their status to the annual '~*~OMG fIrSt SnOwFaLl~*~'
-then go outside running and screaming about it until I'm out of breath and have to watch it fall from an earth's point of view
-ski at least 30 days like always
-snowboard, too!
-spend as many nights at the mountain as possible.. I miss a good Sam's night! But I'll take Raakel's, too.
-try a backflip this year
-compete in the skierX!
-ski Revy at LEAST once. at the very least.
-convince John to take me heli-skiing..
-Try to get to a Girl's Day Out camp with Stefi
-Save money.. doesn't sound like I will be doing any of that with all these plans.
-Travel to a place where the Earth itself is warm, a tropical place would be delightful.
-Plan out when and where I'm going to travel to next
-Kiss mid snowfall
-Skate at Stuart Park
-Hot chocolate! Duh.
-Go on wintertime dates with a certain light eyed cutie
-Be told to shut up via a smooch
-Buttered Rum tea with coconut milk & real rum
-onesie's & a fireplace & a cozy couch & movies
On another note: I fink you freeky & I like you a lot!
Fatty Boom Boom